What We Do

What We Do

What We Do

Pure energy is dedicated to helping businesses and people benefit from the technologies that enables them to be in control of their electrical power and their electric vehicle charging needs. We make sense of the options available and translate these to you in simple, understandable and accessible packages.

Your business is important and it is where you should spend your most time. Our services enable you to stay focused on your core business whilst we make sure that you have the best Energy and Charging solution for your needs. Using our existing supplier contracts, we can work with you to fine-tune the optimal solution for your business or home, and we can help you install and implement it. We get you going and help you track progress. Please take a look at our range of options:

Our Services

Built Environment

Built Environment

The quality of the built environment around us has significant impact on our lives; transforming our quality of life, the environment and local economies. Low carbon energy solutions play a vital role in creating better places and enriching our communities.

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Microgrid Developments

Microgrid Developments

Businesses depend on power to run their operations. When power is lost or quality of supply is reduced, unexpected downtime can cost your business dearly. Our on-site microgrid clean energy solutions ensure business continuity as well as sustainable low-cost energy supply.

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Sustainability Advisory Services

Sustainability Advisory Services

We are experienced in bringing integrated clean energy solutions to the market quickly and efficiently; with our network of contacts, suppliers and customers currently adapting to embrace green energy solutions, we facilitate the integration of renewable technologies, including operations support as required.

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Our Technology

Electric Vehicle Charging

Electric Vehicle Charging

Convenience is key – to successful Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. We provide EV Charging products and services to both private and public sector customers, and are focused on making sure businesses provide the best value EV charging facilities available.

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Solar PV

Solar PV

Efficiency is key – as part of a renewable energy microgrid, on-site solar PV installation brings a number of advantages, including reduced energy bills and carbon footprint. Commercial solar PV installation is the logical option for businesses with multiple premises, where energy generated can satisfy local asset demand, as well as receiving payments for residual energy generated.

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Solar Canopy

Solar Canopy

Our solar canopy solution incorporates a wooden tower, recycled metal screws foundation, waterproof system, bifacial panels, and an eye-catching design with the production of solar power to power a home or charge e-Vehicles.

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Battery Storage

Battery Storage

Flexibility is key – installing battery storage with solar PV enables your facility to store surplus energy, and use it when you need it. This reason alone makes solar panel batteries worth it. Our experience of battery technologies will help you choose the right solar battery option for your on-site system needs.

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Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Renewable energy and sustainability goals are shaping how commercial and industrial (C&I) users consume energy. Renewable energy data needs to be scalable to improve system performance and efficiency. Data analytics helps an organisation with everything from mitigating risks to maximising revenue for your business.

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Low Carbon Heat Networks

Low Carbon Heat Networks

There is an increasing need to deliver a mix of new, low-carbon heating solutions to meet our climate emission targets. Heat networks supply heat to buildings from a central source, avoiding workplaces to have individual, energy-intensive heating solutions. Businesses will become greener as low-carbon energy becomes more sustainable and increasingly affordable, as well as offering the green solution for supply of low carbon heat to homes, businesses and public buildings across the UK.

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Waste to Energy

Waste to Energy

A key aspect of the Circular Economy is reuse of materials and products available within our communities; Instead of Producing –> Consuming –> Throwing Away (the traditional linear model), we re-exploit waste for other uses, limiting pollution linked to materials extraction, allocate value to waste generated and create resources we subsequently return to local economies.

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ISO14001ISO9001Business DeclaresSME Climate HubEnergy Efficency Movement Forth & Tay Offshore Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA)