Energy Assessment Surveys

Energy Assessment Surveys

Chipping Community Energy Project

Technical Team – Prospus Group Ltd, Pure energy (REGen) Ltd, Lùths Services Ltd.

Ambient loop ground sourced heat networks are cost-effective heating solutions for villages

Chipping Community Energy Project

Pure energy (REGen) Ltd (PERL) has been appointed by Prospus Group Ltd to help investigate an innovative sustainable heat network solution focused on capturing ground source heat within a localised shared cluster energy network, operating at ground (ambient) temperature.

The shared ambient loop is directly connected to ground source heat pumps in individual dwellings and supported by rooftop solar generation, where practical.

In order to progress this low carbon heat network strategy, an energy assessment team from Lùths Services along with PERL Graduate Energy Engineer, Yashodhara Bose visited Chipping Parish during the week beginning the 21st of November 2022 to monitor and assess their current heating network efficiency.

Team Measuring the Air Tightness

The team surveyed a total of 20 no. properties within the parish along with Chipping Primary School, the Village Hall and 3 no. properties in Calder Vale, all to RDSAP standards (formally EPC), measuring buildings air tightness, investigating home insulation, and noting current heating source, controls, and energy capacity.

The data collected will assist us in developing the low carbon heat network map for up to 150 homes in the parish.

The ability to develop shared ambient loop ground source heat technology offers a more cost effective and efficient heat solution for parishes like Chipping, to enable them to transition off fossil fuel heating.

Watch this space for further updates on our progress through the Stage Two study, presently underway in Chipping, that will examine a more fragmented ground source heating infrastructure.

Also visit the Chipping Community Website for more information on this project’s scope of work.

Header image courtesy of Prospus Group


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