DfM Completion

DfM Completion

‘Energy Box’ Design for Manufacture Project Completion

Location: The National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland (NMIS) – 28th March, 2024

The ‘Energy Box’ is a new product concept to enable property developers to achieve more efficient low carbon heat network infrastructure deployment, and provide homeowners with the benefits of ground source heating networks, while supporting the UK goals towards reduction of CO2 emissions and more sustainable heating solutions.

The ‘energy box’ comprises several core components assembled within an enclosure and efficiently designed for ease of assembly, transportation, and installation.

 Product Development Phase – Stage 3

NMIS were contracted by Pure energy (REGen) Ltd. (PERL) to complete a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) exercise on the ‘energy box’ concept design to confirm structural integrity and stability of the overall assembly during all assembly and deployment phases.

The analysis was based on specified static and dynamic load cases and boundary conditions as applied on the finalised CAD model, defined during product design specification workshops held during Q4 2023 and Q1 2024 respectively.

NMIS invited Pure energy to their Paisley Campus to participate in the project design for manufacture final review meeting to discuss the results of design analyses performed as well as the next steps to facilitate prototype development.

The Process

The project scope of works completed by NMIS was to understand the behavior of the ‘energy box’ design under two principal operating scenarios;

  1. Linear static analysis, with the assembled system in place with applied loadings as expected
  2. Dynamic analysis, investigating the stability of assembly during various installation lifting and handling scenarios.

Structural analyses simulation was conducted using the SimSolid software package, provided by Altair.

Lifting failure modes were also examined to verify the proposed lifting plan arrangement is robust and preserves the assembly integrity. Based on results obtained, the ‘energy box’ is proven to be not critically stressed in any load case considered.

Various critical assumptions were also incorporated within the project scope of work, however the analyses’ results have confirmed that there is adequate margin of safety within the assembly design, given boundary conditions expected.

Alan MacLeod, CEO and Yashodhara Bose, Graduate Energy Engineer, Pure energy with NMIS project team

We appreciate the NMIS Project Team’s technical support in completing this important project phase including development of a Product Design Specification sheet, CAD model, concept design and FEA Summary Report of the ‘Energy Box’ assembly, which ultimately provides Pure energy (REGen) Ltd with the confidence to take this project forward to prototype phase.

In order to complete this design development phase, Pure energy (REGen) Ltd received grant funding from Innovation UK EDGE.

To find out more about the ‘Energy Box’ project and how Pure energy (REGen) Ltd can assist your business or home to adopt low carbon heating solutions, contact us on +44 (0) 1382 657457 or email [email protected].


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