LGPS Climate Summit 2022

LGPS Climate Summit 2022

LGPS Climate Summit 2022

November, London, UK

The essential event hosting and supporting the LGPS climate change agenda.

Local Government Pension Scheme

Our CEO, Alan MacLeod, was invited to attend and moderate a panel discussion on the following topic as part of the LGPS Climate Summit Agenda;

“Net Zero – Decarbonisation Targets and an Inclusive Global Transition”

Left unchecked, the global temperature increase by the end of this century is estimated to be between 2.7°C and 3.1°C

With specific focus on the following aspects;

Together with Alan, the Session Panel included;

Ed Baker (Head of Climate Policy, Principles for Responsible Investment), Bella Landymore (Policy Director, Impact Investing Institute) and John Ward (Visiting Research Fellow – Grantham Research Institute, Managing Director – Pengwern Associates) 

Local Authority pension assets can fund solutions to the climate crisis or indeed accelerate it. Either way, climate change presents a significant financial risk factor to asset owners and investors. 

From a traditional risk and return perspective, it is a pension trustee’s duty to consider and integrate climate impacts into investment decisions, recognising the ability to provide long-term, risk-adjusted returns threatened by the impact of climate change happening now and in future.

Left unchecked, the global temperature increase by the end of this century is estimated to be between 2.7°C and 3.1°C.

Since 2015 the Paris Agreement and subsequent COP gatherings, including COP27, aims to keep global warming to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100 and strive for a maximum 1.5°C rise in global average temperatures.

The forum discussion focused on how to align climate change policy objectives with complementary economic models to ensure the successful transition to a tolerable carbon emissions reduced planet is achieved.

From a technology perspective, our combined ability and capability to reverse the current global warming trend is ready and willing to be deployed. Pure energy is active in providing sustainable infrastructure solutions capable of achieving our net zero carbon reduction targets.

For more information:

LGPS Website

LGPS Climate Summit 2022


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