

All-Energy Dcarbonise

Exhibition & Conference – Location: Glasgow, 10th May 2023

Pure energy team attended the biggest renewable energy conference in the UK

All-Energy is a key event on the renewable and low carbon energy industry calendar, showcasing a variety of expertise, knowledge, and innovative technology, focused on delivering an integrated net zero future with security of supply.

The event connects suppliers of renewable and low carbon energy solutions and policy makers to developers, investors, buyers, and professionals from around the world, facilitating business conversations and knowledge exchange on the show floor and conference halls.

All-Energy Highlights

Latest technology developments

PERL’s Alan MacLeod, CEO and Yashodhara Bose, Graduate Energy Engineer attended a selection of panel discussions and presentations focused around low carbon heating and energy transition.

We also visited Terrendis, Galooli, Logstor UK & IRE and GES Group stands, discussing potential integration solutions for PERL’s existing and future district low carbon heat networks as well as on-site renewable energy generation projects.

Alan MacLeod and Yashodhara Bose

An opportunity to meet our Technology Partners

The PERL team caught up with our engineering partners, Lùths Services Ltd., who collaborate with our team for energy assessments and engineering analyses for many PERL projects.

Alan and Yashodhara with Dan Gates, Director, Lùths Services Ltd.

The PERL team also caught up with our technology partner, OnGen Ltd to discuss the ‘OnGen Expert’ software which PERL has recently adopted, enabling on-site renewable energy generation feasibility assessments for our clients.

Read our OnGen article: Supporting Net Zero Transition through Data Applications

A Platform for information exchange 

All-Energy brings likeminded companies and individuals together to share expertise, collaborate and develop strategies to decarbonise our current energy supply, providing low-cost sustainable energy and heat network solutions.

Throughout the conference, the PERL team also met various low carbon energy industry experts and stakeholders including Ceraphi Energy, National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland, Xodus, Heriot Watt University.

To find out more about how pure energy (REGen) Ltd can assist your business journey to net zero by transitioning to low carbon energy, contact us on +44 (0)1382 657457 or email [email protected].


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